[Math] Online tools for checking validity of classical, intuitionistic, … logic formulas


What online tools are available, where one can enter a formula of (first order) propositional or predicate logic, and have it check whether it is valid classically, intuitionistically, or even minimally or in some other logical framework?

I found the following things that got close:

The last two I found through Leslie Lamport's Logic Calculators page, which ominously proclaims: "Logic calculators are disappearing faster than I learn about them."

As background, among other things I'd like to use such a tool to help answer questions on this site like this and this.

Update. Pointers to easily available and free Linux or Windows based tools are also welcome, but the main goal of this question is for online tools.

Best Answer

A Linear Logic Prover supports propositional and unary predicate logic in three different frameworks; one is classical and the other two are intuitionistic. It seems to work ok. If you enter the statement from "Intuitionistic proof of ∀x(P(x)∨Q(x))→(∀xP(x)∨∃xQ(x))", which is "all(X,p(X)+q(X)) -> (all(X,p(X)) + exists(X,q(X)))" in llprover's language, it finds a proof for it in the classical framework, and fails to find a proof for it in the intuitionistic framework.

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