[Math] One question regarding a subring of $Q$ which will contain 1.


Let $R$ be a subring of $Q$ containing 1. Then which of the following is/are true?

  1. $R$ is a PID.

  2. $R$ contains infinitely many prime ideals.

  3. $R$ contains a prime ideal which is not a maximal ideal.

  4. For every maximal ideal $m$ , $R/m$ will be finite.

My Try : 2. This is not true. $Q$ itself is the counter example. $Q$ has no ideal.

  1. This is correct. Because {0} is in every $R$.

  2. If we take the subring [$a/3^k$: where k is non negative integer]. Then $Z$ is a maximal ideal of this subring but $R/Z$ is not finite. so False.

    I have no idea about option 1.

Have I gone wrong anywhere? Please correct me if I have and tell me what will happen for the option 1.

Best Answer

2, 3, and 4 are obviously false, since $\Bbb{Q}$ is an obvious counterexample in each case.

1 is true since the subrings are various localizations of $\Bbb{Z}$, and localizations of PIDs are PIDs.