[Math] one of the following statements is true.Identify:-


one of the following statements is true.Identify:-

(A) Every subset of $\Bbb{Q}$ which is bounded above has a unique supremum rational number.
(B)Every subset of $\Bbb{Q}$ which is bounded above has a unique supremum real number.
(C)The set of rational numbers has least least upper bound property.
(D)The set of real numbers does not have the greatest lower bound property.

I am confused because I think both B and D are correct but they say only one option is correct

Best Answer

They are all wrong.

(A) $\{x\in \mathbb Q\mid x^2<2\}$ is bounded from above (e.g. $42$ is an upper bound), but has no rational number as supremum

(B) $\emptyset$ is bounded from above (e.g. $42$ is an upper bound), but has no real number as supremum (of course this example also works for (A))

(C) Least upper bound property means that every nonempty set that is bounded from above has a least upper bound (in the set). As the exmaple to (A) shows, $\mathbb Q$ does not have this property

(D) $\mathbb R$ is specifically constructed to have the least upper bound property!