[Math] On Zeta function zeros in the critical strip


I have been reading about Riemann Zeta function and have been thinking about it for some time.

Has anything been published regarding upper bound for the real part of zeta function zeros as the imaginary part of the zeros tend to infinity?


Best Answer

The term in analytic number theory is "zero-free regions". Any proof of the prime number theorem will produce such a region, and the region is equivalent to the error term in bounds for $\pi(x)$ and to the lower bounds in nonvanishing theorems $|\zeta (1+it)|> 0$. At present, the known zero-free regions are asymptotic to the line $Re(s)=1$: at height $h$ all zeros are at least at distance $d(h)$ from the line with $\lim_{|h| \to \infty} d(h) = 0$.

(Added: on the subject of later improvements, if any region not asymptotic to $Re(s)=1$ were demonstrated it would be a giant advance in number theory, comparable to Wiles' proof of the modularity conjecture and Fermat's Last Theorem. In the analogous function field case there is an algebraic technique for boosting Beta < 1 to Beta < (1/2)+epsilon, and the latter is the Riemann hypothesis. You can be sure that if a zero free region were proven that had finite distance from the boundary of the critical strip, we would all have heard about it. Some known bounds are listed at http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~ford/wwwpapers/zeros.pdf )

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