Number Theory – Factorial Equations A! B! = C! and A! B! C! = D!


I was playing around with hypergeometric probabilities when I wound myself calculating the binomial coefficient $\binom{10}{3}$. I used the definition, and calculating in my head, I simplified to this expression before actually calculating anything
\frac {8\cdot9\cdot10}{2\cdot3} = 120
And then it hit me that $8\cdot9\cdot10 = 6!$ and I started thinking about something I feel like calling generalized factorials, which is just the product of a number of successive naturals, like this
a!b = \prod_{n=b}^an = \frac{a!}{(b-1)!},\quad a, b \in \mathbb{Z}^+, \quad a\ge b
so that $a! = a!1$ (the notation was invented just now, and inspired by the $nCr$-notation for binomial coefficients). Now, apart from the trivial examples $(n!)!(n!) = n!$ and $a!1 = a!2 = a!$, when is the generalized factorial a factorial number? When is it the product of two (non-trivial) factorial numbers? As seen above, $10!8$ is both.

Best Answer

See Chris Caldwell, The diophantine equation $A!B!=C!$, J. Recreational Math. 26 (1994) 128-133. $9!=7!3!3!2!$, $10!=7!6!=7!5!3!$, and $16!=14!5!2!$ were the only known non-trivial examples of a factorial as a product of factorials as of the 3rd edition of Guy, Unsolved Problems In Number Theory (Problem B23).

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