[Math] On the definition of a geodesic in a metric space


I am interested in the definition of geodesics in metric spaces. A definition which seems reasonable to me is that a geodesic should locally be a distance minimizer.

Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geodesic#Metric_geometry) states that this naturally leads one to define a geodesic as a curve $\gamma: I \to M$, with $I\subset \mathbb{R}$ an interval and $M$ a metric space, such that for any $t \in I$ there is a neighbourhood $J$ of $t$ so that for any $t_1, t_2 \in J$ we have
d(\gamma(t_1), \gamma(t_2)) = v |t_1 -t_2|,
where $v \geq 0$ is any constant.

Am I missing something obvious? Why is it that a curve satisfying this formula is locally minimizing the distance between its points? I have no reason to think this is false, but also no intuition as to why this is true.

Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

Wikipedia is being a bit confusing here. Without the constant $v$, it should be obvious that the definition you gave is a good definition of a geodesic (a curve for which arc length is locally the same as distance).

The role of the constant $v$ is to allow geodesics whose length is different from the length of the domain interval $I$. Note that $v$ must be a constant which does not depend on the neighborhood $J$, since the values of $v$ must agree on overlapping neighborhoods.