[Math] On solution(s) to nonhomogeneous and corresponding homogeneous system of linear equations

linear algebra

Actually there are two questions:

  1. If one have a solution to nonhomogeneous system of linear equations $A x = b$, is it possible to say something about solution to corresponding homogeneous system $A x = 0$?
  2. Is there a relation between solutions $x_1$ and $x_2$ to two nonhomogeneous systems $A x = b_1$ and $A x = b_2$

The matrix $A$ is square.

Best Answer

  1. Let $\bar{x}$ be a solution to $Ax=b$ and $v$ be a solution to $Ax=0$. From here, it follows

    $$A\bar{x} + Av = b$$

    $$A(\bar{x}+v) = b$$

    So, $\bar{x}+v$ is also a solution to $Ax=b$. In other words a solution to non-homogeneous system plus the solution to homogeneous system is also a solution to non-homogeneous system.

  2. There is no relation between $x_1$ and $x_2$ since they are solutions to two different systems which happen to have the same $A$. In geometry point of view, think of $A$ as a transformation which transforms two arbitrary vectors $x_1$ and $x_2$ to two different vectors $b_1$ and $b_2$.