[Math] On modules over polynomial rings


Let $\mathbb{A}$ be a polynomial ring in $n$ variables over an algebraically closed field $\mathbb F$. Given a maximal ideal $\mathfrak{m}$ of $\mathbb A$, consider the quotient $\mathbb{A}/\mathfrak{m}$ as a left $\mathbb{A}$-module ($\mathbb{A}/\mathfrak{m}$ is one-dimensional over $\mathbb F$).

Suppose $M$ is a right finitely generated $\mathbb{A}$-module which is infinite dimensional (as $\mathbb F$-vector space) and such that $\dim_{\mathbb F}(M\otimes_{\mathbb{A}} \mathbb{A}/\mathfrak{m})<\infty$ for any maximal ideal $\mathfrak m$.

Can we say that $\dim_{\mathbb F}(M\otimes_{\mathbb{A}} \mathbb{A}/\mathfrak{m})$ is independent of $\mathfrak m$?

The motivation of the question is to show that $M$ is projective (therefore free, by Quillen's Theorem).

Best Answer

No. If $M$ is f.g. over $A$ then $M\otimes_A (A/\mathfrak m)$ will be finite dimensional over $F$ for every maximal ideal $\mathfrak m$ of $M$ (since $A/\mathfrak m = F$, and change of scalars preserves the property of being finite dimensional).

So your question amounts to asking whether every f.g. module over $A$ that is infinite dim'l over $F$ is free, and the answer is no.

E.g. Suppose that $n = 1$, and take $M = A \oplus F,$ with $x$ and $y$ acting via $0$ on the second summand.

E.g. Suppose that $n = 2$, so $A = F[x,y].$ Let $M = F[x]$, regarded as an $A$-module by having $y$ act via $0$.

E.g. Suppose that $ n =2$, and let $M = (x,y) \subset F[x,y]$.