[Math] On definition of gamma function.

bessel functionsgamma functionordinary differential equationsspecial functions

We all know that gamma function's definition is
$$\Gamma \left( x \right) = \int\limits_0^\infty {s^{x – 1} e^{ – s} ds}$$
and it is divergent for

Yesterday, I was studying about Bessel function and i came up with a dilemma. In Bessel function for negative numbers, i.e. $J_{-\alpha}$ they use a term like $\Gamma(m-\alpha+1)$ and when $m<\alpha-1$ series is defined although gamma function is undefined.
Also in class there were questions like finding $\Gamma\left(-\frac{1}{2}\right)$ where it is a definite value? $$\Gamma\left(-\frac{1}{2}\right)=-2\sqrt{\pi}$$
but how is it well-defined, isn't it diverging? And how is it a negative number?

Summarizing, how exactly is gamma function defined?

Best Answer

You are right. The integral

$$\Gamma \left( x \right) = \int\limits_0^\infty {s^{x - 1} e^{ - s} ds},\,\,x\in\mathbb{R}\tag{1}$$

converges only if $x>0$. Therefore the definition only works for positive $x$. However, one can use the functional equation $$\Gamma(x+1)=x\Gamma(x)$$

to give a meaning to $\Gamma(x)$ also when $x$ is negative. Namely, suppose $-1<x<0$. Then $x+1>0$, so $\Gamma(x+1)$ is defined by $(1)$. Now we define $\Gamma(x)$ (for which the formula $(1)$ doesn't make sense) as


You can already see that this definition makes no sense for $x=0$. In the same way we can define $\Gamma(x)$ for all $x\in\mathbb{R}$ (except $0,-1,-2,\dots$) Namely, if $-2<x<-1$, then $-1<x+1<0$, so we already know what $\Gamma(x+1)$ is by $(2)$, hence


In general, if $x>-n$, then


So you were interested in $\Gamma(-1/2)$. We get,


which you can now calculate using $(1)$.