[Math] Odds of picking letters from the alphabet


I want to know how to work out the odds of randomly picking specific letters for a given word from the alphabet.

  1. Let's call the random word: "bobdylan"
  2. Total letters: 8
  3. Total chances to randomly pick: 7 (since b appears twice)
  4. With each pick, the chosen letter will be removed from the pool.
  5. The order chosen does not matter

What I want to work out is the odds of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 correct letters.

What I have done is to write a program to randomly pick letters and I have found that it nearly always picks 1 – 4 correct letters in any given go with very few 0 correct answers.

Best Answer

In the case of 7 distinct letters, we can partition the alphabet into 2 groups, one with correct letters (7) and wrong letters (26-7=19).

If we choose 7 letters and want x correct letters, we need x to be from the correct letters and 7-x to be from the wrong letters.

We note that the sample space if given by the fact that we are choosing 7 letters from the alphabet of 26.

That means, for any x $\leq 7$, the probability is:

$$ \frac{\binom{7}{x} \binom{19}{7-x}}{\binom{26}{7}}$$