[Math] Odds of drawing multiple rounds of rock paper scissors.


OK, so the back story for this is me and my friend often decide things on a quick game of rock paper scissors. I think on this occasion it was for who would get up and answer the door when the pizza came. The point is, on this occasion, we drew 17 times in a row before we broke the dead lock.

How do I find the odds of drawing n games of rock, paper, scissors?

We were playing the normal rules of rock, paper, scissors and, for arguments sake, there were no tactics or mind games going on – just random choices by both my friend and I (though I think some kind of subconscious thing must have been at play because my gut tells me the odds of this are astronomical).

Best Answer

The chances of a draw when both parties chosing uniformly are exactly $\frac13$ (it's a fair game because of this). Now for that to happen $17$ times in a row, the chances are $$\frac1{3^{17}} \approx 7.74\cdot 10^{-9}$$ but keep in mind that these are a-priori. That means for example after two draws, the chances of another draw stay at $\frac13$ and the chances for the $15$ remaining draws consecutively are $\frac1{3^{15}}$.

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