[Math] Obtaining rotation matrix from Euler angles if all three rotations happen at once. Does order of multiplication matter


I'm having a problem getting my head around Euler Angles.

Specifically if I wish to obtain a rotation matrix for a system where pitch, roll and yaw have all changed at once by various values… how does one go about this?

From the following link:


It looks like one can express this as:

R = roll[] * pitch[] * yaw[]

But I also read a post where someone said it depends on the order in which they are rotated… which kind of makes sense given that the order of multiplication of matrices affects the output. But this leaves me at a dead end!

Thank you for any help.

Edit: This specifically is being applied to an accelerometer problem to find a_linear:

a_measured = a_linear + g*R[]

I'm assuming that I want roll/pitch/yaw but not entirely sure if I've got my frame of references mixed up :s

Best Answer

If you know the sequence of roll, pitch and yaw that you want to do in succession, you can find their matrices and multiply them together in the right order, and the three operations are performed "simultaneously."

The order is important because the group of rotations is nonabelian. If you can produce a matrix for each of these operations, then you can produce a single matrix combining all of them.