[Math] ny matlab code to find out maximum eigenvalue of the randomly generated matrices


I am running a matlab code for computing the Drazin inverse of the matrix $A$.

Initial value of the iteration method
is $X_0 = \beta A^{k}$, where $k = index (A)$(For $A\in \mathbb{C}^{n\times
n}$, the smallest nonnegative integer $k$ such that $rank(A^{k+1}) =
rank(A^k)$ is called the index of $A$
). .

Parameter $\beta$ satisfies: $0<\beta < \frac{2}{\lambda_{max}(A^{k+1})}$.

I want to test the method for the randomly generated matrices so I need a matlab code to determine the maximum eigen value of the matrix $A^k$ so that I may easily choose the value of $\beta$.

Could anybody help me with this. Thanks

Best Answer

Are you looking for the largest eigenvalue or the eigenvalue with the largest magnitude? For magnitude,


is much slower especially if you want to repeat it multiple times because it will compute all of the eigenvalues and then pick the max. You might want to use


which will compute and return only the largest magnitude eigenvalue.