[Math] ny mathematical proof of fractal self-similarity


When studying fractals, one of the properties named by Benoit Mandelbrot is the self-similarity (and it's variations) of the fractal objects.

From Wikipedia:

In mathematics, a self-similar object is exactly or approximately similar to a part of itself (i.e. the whole has the same shape as one or more of the parts). Many objects in the real world, such as coastlines, are statistically self-similar: parts of them show the same statistical properties at many scales.[2] Self-similarity is a typical property of artificial fractals.

This can be easily seen in pictures:

My question is, is there any way to demonstrate this property in a 'pure mathematical way' ? I know Mandelbrot's purpose was exactly the opposite, to link and demonstrate all this theories in a visual way, but I think any kind of pure demonstration would be great to understand this objects. I haven't been able to find any research about this so I don't know where I could start.

Best Answer

You can only prove selfsimilarity for fractal sets $K$ that are defined mathematically, e.g., the Cantor set, the Sierpinsky carpet, Koch's curve. In these cases $K$ is not only similar to a part of itself, but $K$ is in fact the union of (more or less disjoint) similar copies of itself: $$K=\bigcup_{i=1}^m f_i(K)\ ,$$ whereby the $f_i$ are similarities. In the above examples this is evident by inspection. All these examples go under the heading Iterated Function System. See the literature quoted in the linked Wikipedia entry, notably Barnsley and Falconer.

If you require only that $K$ is similar to a part of itself (as in your quote from Wikipedia) then there are examples which you might not consider "fractal", e.g., the logarithmic spiral $$r=e^\phi\qquad(-\infty<\phi\leq0)\ .$$

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