Combinatorics – Number of Ways to Join the Points


Ok, now consider joining $2n$ points on a circle using $n$ nonintersection chords.

How do I prove that the number of ways to join the points equals then $n$-th Catalan number $C_n$?


Best Answer

André has sketched one of the two natural approaches. Here’s one of the more straightforward versions of the other.

If you know that $C_n$ is the number of strings of $n$ pairs of correctly matched parentheses, you can try to find a bijection between ways of joining your $2n$ points and correctly matched strings of $n$ pairs of parentheses.

Label the points $1,2,\dots,2n$ clockwise around the circle. Each chord then corresponds to a pair of distinct numbers in $\{1,\dots,2n\}$. Use the chords to lay out a row of $2n$ parentheses, $p_1,p_2,\dots,p_{2n}$, according to the following rule. If the points $k$ and $\ell$ are connected by a chord, and $k<\ell$, make $p_k$ a left parenthesis and $p_\ell$ a right parenthesis.

  • Show that the resulting string of parentheses is correctly matched. (The fact that the chords don’t cross one another is important here.)

  • Show that the proceduce is reversible: given a correctly matched string of $n$ pairs of parentheses, there’s a way to reconstruct a set of non-intersecting chords that give rise to it.