Combinatorics – Number of Ways to Express a Number as Sum of Different Integers


Given a number $n$, then $P_k(n)$ is the number of ways to express $n$ as the sum of $k$ integers. For example $P_2(6)=7$








Now I worked out that $P_2(n)=n+1$ and $P_3(n)$ may be $P_3(n)=\sum^n _{k=0} P_2(n-k)$ but the question is:

Given $k$ and $n$ is there a formula to always find $P_k(n)$?

Best Answer

Yes, there is such a formula (assuming $k$ and $n$ are natural numbers).

In order to find it, I suggest you the following:

Let $k, n\in \Bbb N$. Suppose you have $n$ balls (representing the number $n$), what you want is the number of ways to place this $n$ balls on $k$ boxes (each box will represent the number being added), this can be encoded with a list of the balls, using vertical lines to separate the boxes.

For example, the partition $6=3+2+1$ can be encoded as

$$\bigcirc \bigcirc \bigcirc \mid \bigcirc \bigcirc \mid \bigcirc$$

Each partition correspond to a sequence of $n$ balls and $k-1$ separators, and each such a sequence correspond to a partition, so it suffices to count those sequences.

Those sequences are easy to count:

Those sequences consist of $n+k-1$ characters ($n$ balls and $k-1$ separators), just choose $k-1$ positions for the separators among all the $n+k-1$ available: $\binom {n+k-1}{k-1}$

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