[Math] Number of ways to arrange the letters BANANAS


I was in class, and the teacher told us, that the number of ways to re-arrange the letters in BANANAS is $\frac{7!}{2!3!)}$. I understand where the $2, 3$ and $7$ are coming from (the number of $N$'s, the number of $A$'s, and the total number of letters respectively), and why we are using factorials (the number of ways to arrange $n$ things is $n!$), but I still feel like I am missing something crucial.

I suppose, why is it that we are dividing by $2!$ and $3!$?
Why is it that $2!$ and $3!$ are being multiplied together?

Best Answer

Assume that all the letter are different. For example, imagine that each $A$ and $N$ is colored differently.

Then the number of arrangements is $7!$. Imagine that you write down all of them.

Now return all colored letters to black, and note that there are many 'words' that are counted multiple times. Namely, every word is counted $2!3!$ times, exactly the number of ways to rearrange the $A$'s and $N$'s in it.