[Math] Number of ways of forming $8$-digit odd number using only the digits $0, 0, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5$


Let $\lambda$ be the number of all possible $8$ digit odd numbers

formed by using only digits $0,0,2,2,3,3,4,5,$ Then $\dfrac{\lambda}{900}$ is

My Try: Number is odd if last digit (unit position ) is odd.

So total number of ways of choosing the units place is $\dfrac{3!}{2!}=3$

Now arranging the extreme left position is $\dfrac{6!}{2!\cdot 2!}$

and arranging all digits is $\dfrac{6!}{2!}$ ways.

But it have seems that I have done the problem incorrectly.

Could some help me to solve it? Thanks

Best Answer

Another method.

Case 1 (last digit $3$). There are $\frac{7!}{2!2!}=1260$ numbers in total, in particular, with the first digit $0$. There are $\frac{6!}{2!}=360$ numbers with the first $0$ and last $3$. Hence: $1260-360=900$.

Case 2 (last digit $5$). There are $\frac{7!}{2!2!2!}=630$ numbers, in particular, with the first digit $0$. There are $\frac{6!}{2!2!}=180$ numbers with the first $0$ and last $5$. Hence: $630-180=450$.

Adding the two cases: $900+450=1350$.