[Math] Number of ways in which $8$ distinct apples can be distributed among $3$ boys


Number of ways in which $8$ distinguishable apples can be distributed among $3$ boys such that every boy should get at least $1$ apple and at most $4$ apples is $K× _7P_3$ then what is the value of $K$..where $K$ is a positive integer?

my attempt– I tried solving this by brute force and so I wrote down all the possibilities which satisfy the above condition ….(total $12$(see edit) of them where $B_1,B_2,B_3$ are the three boys)

But I don't think this is a good solution at all!!…. There are $12$ cases after all also.. we need to solve for each and add them..which is a troubling task indeed…!!!…so can anyone help me in solving this in a much better/shorter way??…or even improve my method..??
..and direct what should I do??

Edit : as pointed out in one of the comments…I have indeed missed out the case $3,3,2$..really sorry….this means there are 12 cases….

Best Answer

There are only $3$ basic patterns: $4-3-1,\;$ $4-2-2,\;$ and $3-3-2$

Ways of distributing distinct objects to distinct boxes in these patterns is given by the multinomial coefficients,$\dbinom{8}{4,3,1},\dbinom{8}{4,2,2},\dbinom{8}{3,3,2}$

However, since the persons are distinct, we also need to consider the permutations of the patterns which would be $6,3\;$ and $3$ respectively for the $3$ patterns

Thus $K = \dfrac{6\dbinom{8}{4,3,1}+3\dbinom{8}{4,2,2}+3\dbinom{8}{3,3,2}}{_7P_3} = 22$