[Math] Number of times that a eigenvalue appears in the diagonal of a upper-triangular matrix is equal to the multiplicity

eigenvalues-eigenvectorslinear algebralinear-transformations

Problem from Linear Algebra Done Right 3rd edition, page 260.


  • F (field) denotes R or C
  • $V$ denotes a finite-dimensional nonzero vector space over F
  • $\mathcal{L}(V)$ is the set of all linear transformations from $V$ to $V$

Suppose $T \in \mathcal{L}(V)$ and $\lambda \in$ F. Prove that for every basis of $V$ with respect to which $T$ has an upper-triangular matrix, the number of times that $\lambda$ appears on the diagonal of the matrix of $T$ equals the multiplicity of $\lambda$ as an eigenvalue of $T$.

Here multiplicity is the algebraic multiplicity.

Best Answer

Here's one approach. Whether it's helpful depends on your answer to my comment above.

Without loss of generality, suppose that $\lambda$ appears on the first few diagonal entries. Thus, the matrix $A$ with respect to this basis is such that $$ A - \lambda I = \pmatrix{T& B\\0 & C} $$ where $C$ is invertible and $$ T = \pmatrix{0&*&\cdots&*\\ &\ddots&\ddots&\vdots\\ &&&*\\&&&0} $$ Note that $T^n = 0$. So, $\dim \ker (A - \lambda I)^n$ is the size of $A$.

See also theorem 8.10 in the text.