[Math] Number of rectangles with odd area.


We have a $10\times 10$ square.
How many rectangles with odd area are on the picture?
enter image description here
I say lets choose a vertex first, there are $11\cdot11=121$ possibilities.
Now, choose odd width and side (left or right) and odd length and side (up or down). There are $5$ possibilities to each, so in total we have $\dfrac{121\cdot 25}{4}$ rectangles. We divide by $4$ because every rectangle is counted $4$ times, one time for each vertex of the rectangle. But, the result is not a whole number. Where am I wrong? Thanks.

Best Answer

The width must be odd and the height must be odd. There are $10$ choices of a pair of $x$-coordinates to have width $1$, $8$ choices for width $3$, $6$ choices for with $5$, etc. So we have $10+8+6+4+2=30$ ways to choose the two $x$ coordinates and likewise $30$ ways to choose $y$-coordinates. This gives us a total of $30\cdot 30=900$ odd area rectangles.

What you did was to pick one vertex and than assume that each possible odd width and height could be realized with this vertex.

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