[Math] Number of possible outcomes in a license plate


If a license plate consists of 3 letters followed by 3 digits and having at least one digit or letter repeated .. How many outcomes are there?

26 * 26 * 10* 10 * 10 .. Is that right?

Best Answer

That is incorrect.

First, let's find the number of license tags, total, that can be made with $3$ letters and $3$ digits. This is: $$26\cdot26\cdot26\cdot10\cdot10\cdot10 = 26^310^3$$

Second, look at how many tags can be made without repeating any character (letter or number): $$26\cdot25\cdot24\cdot10\cdot9\cdot8$$

Now, if we must repeat at least one character, then number of tags that satisfy are: $$\text{Total} - \text{ThoseThatDon'tRepeat} = 26^310^3-26\cdot25\cdot24\cdot10\cdot9\cdot8$$