[Math] Number of positive integers n such that 3n – 4, 4n – 5, 5n – 3 are all prime

elementary-number-theoryprime numbers

I couldn't find an answer to this but I did find a proof that this question is incorrect:

We have $3n – 4$ = prime, so, n cannot be of the form $2q$, $4q$, $8q$, because then I'd be able to factorise it

Similarly, $4n – 5$ = prime, so n is not of the form $5q$

And, $5n – 3$ = prime, so n is not of the form $3q$, $6q$, $9q$

Which means, $n$ is certainly an odd prime.

If we look at $5n – 3$, $5$ and $n$ are both odd, so their product is odd

$3$, when subtracted from an odd number, would always give an even number, which creates a contradiction.

So who's wrong, me or the problem? If I'm wrong, do tell me why and also the solution to the problem, thanks

Best Answer

Notice that the sum of the three primes is $$(3n-4)+(4n-5)+(5n-3)=12(n-1)$$ which is clearly even. Therefore, not all of the primes are odd. It follows that one of them has to be equal to the only even prime, $2$.

Since $n\in\mathbb{N}$, either $3n-4=2$ or $5n-3=2$, implying that either $n=2$ or $n=1$.

$n=1$ is rejected since in this case, $3n-4<0$. $n=2$ gives $2, 3, 7$ as our primes. Therefore, $n=2$ is the only solution to the problem.

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