[Math] Number of paths between points in a grid with blocked nodes


I'm working on a research project and I came across this problem. I was curious if there is a strategy to count the number of paths from A to B, using free nodes while avoiding the blocked nodes.

The starting point is always the bottom left-hand side corner, and the endpoint is always the top right-hand side corner. We can only move up or to the right.

Blocked nodes always appear on the top left-hand side corner of the grid. There is no free node on the left-hand side, or above any forbidden node.

I can find the answer using search algorithms, but that's not efficient, especially, with large scale problems. I was curious if there is a better mathematical expression/strategy for this problem. Thank you!
This is an example:

enter image description here

Best Answer

One way to do this is by inclusion–exclusion.

It’s enough to exclude the bottom forbidden node in each column. In your example, these are the nodes $(0,2)$, $(1,2)$, $(2,4)$ and $(3,5)$. Denote the set of these nodes by $N$ and the number of paths that use all nodes in a set $S$ by $a_S$. Then by inclusion–exclusion the number of admissible paths is

$$ \sum_{S\subseteq N}(-1)^{|S|}a_S\;. $$

There are $\binom{x_2-x_1+y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}$ paths from $(x_1,y_1)$ to $(x_2,y_2)$. By inserting the forbidden nodes as intermediate steps, we can write the above sum as

$$ \sum_{S\subseteq N}(-1)^{|S|}\prod_{i=0}^{|S|}\binom{y_{s_{i+1}}-y_{s_i}+x_{s_{i+1}}-x_{s_i}}{x_{s_{i+1}}-x_{s_i}}\;, $$

where $s_1,\ldots,s_{|S|}$ are the nodes in $S$ in order of ascending $x$ coordinates, and $s_0=A$ and $s_{|S|+1}=B$.

In your example, this is

$$ \binom{10}5-\binom20\binom85-\binom31\binom74-\binom62\binom43-\binom83\binom22+\binom20\binom11\binom74+\binom20\binom42\binom43+\binom20\binom63\binom22+\binom31\binom31\binom43+\binom31\binom52\binom22+\binom62\binom21\binom22-\binom20\binom11\binom31\binom43-\binom20\binom11\binom52\binom22-\binom20\binom42\binom21\binom22-\binom31\binom31\binom21\binom22+\binom20\binom11\binom31\binom21\binom22 \\[15pt] =104\;. $$

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