Integer Partitions – Number of Partitions of $2n$ with No Element Greater Than $n$


The number of partitions of $2n$ into partitions with no element greater than $n$ (copied and slightly adapted from, so I'm looking for a nice formula of $q(2n,n)$.

By asking and counting the ones of interest I get results from 2 to 12, that look the following:
which matches the data from when you start from the $1$ in the 2.row and go straight down. My question is now, if there is closed formula or at least an asymptotic for $q(2n,n)$?

Best Answer

For large $n$, these are almost all the partitions there are. There can be at most one part $m$ larger than $n$, and the remaining parts form a partition of $2n-m$, so we have


For large $n$, the terms in the sum are exponentially smaller than $p(2n)$, so asymptotically

$$q(2n,n)\sim p(2n) \sim \frac {1} {8n\sqrt{3}} e^{\pi \sqrt {\frac{4n}{3}}}\;.$$

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