[Math] Number of $n$-digit binary numbers such that no two zeroes are consecutive


Let $a_n$ denote the number of $n$-digit binary numbers such that no two zeroes are consecutive. Is $a_{17}=a_{16}+a_{15}$?

Let $a_n$ denote the number of $n$-digit binary numbers such that no two zeroes are consecutive.

$a_3$ can contain one $1$, two $1$s or all $1$s.


I don't see any relation connecting the above $a_i$s. The number of possibilities depend on the number of $1$s. Should I calculate $a_n$?

Best Answer

Let $a_n$ be the number of $n$-digit binary numbers such that no two zeroes are consecutive.

Consider the last digit of the $n$-digit binary number.

Case 1: The last digit is $1$

In this case, the first $n-1$ digits must satisfy the condition that no two zeroes are consecutive. There are $a_{n-1}$ ways in which they can do so, thus the total number of $n$-digit binary numbers with no two zeroes consecutive and ending with $1$ is $a_{n-1}$.

Case 2: The last digit is $0$

In this case, the last but one digit cannot be zero, as it would violate the given condition. Thus, the last but one digit must be $1$. There are now $a_{n-2}$ ways in which the first $n-2$ digits can satisfy the given condition. Thus, the number of $n$-digit binary numbers with no two zeroes consecutive and ending with $0$ is $a_{n-2}$.

This thus gives the recurrence relation, $$a_n=a_{n-1}+a_{n-2}$$ It is easy to verify that $a_0=1,a_1=2$, which are the base cases.