[Math] Number of matrices with zero determinant

determinantfinite-fieldslinear algebramatrices

I want to count matrices over finite field with zero determinant.
For example, the numbet of $2\times2$ matrices over $\Bbb{Z}_4$ with zero determinant is 88 by hand computations.
On the other hand the size of the group $GL(2,4)$ is $180$ and the total number of such $2\times2$ matrices is $256$.
So something is wrong.
What is my mistake?

Revised question:
I am looking for the number of $2×2$ matrices over $\Bbb{Z}_4$ (the ring of integers modulo 4), with zero determinant. By a quick computations, there are $88$ ones. So what is the formula in general?

Best Answer

Over a finite field of order $q$, it is easy to count matrices with nonzero determinant (and from there, get matrices with zero determinant by complementary counting).

There are $q^n-1$ choices for the first column: we just have to choose a nonzero vector in $\mathbb F_q^n$. Then there are $q^n-q$ choices for the second column: we must avoid choosing any multiple of the first column. There are $q^n-q^2$ choices for the third column (since there are $q^2$ distinct linear combinations of the first two columns, which we must avoid, and so on). So the number of $n\times n$ matrices over $\mathbb F_q$ with nonzero determinant is $$ \prod_{k=0}^{n-1} (q^n - q^k) $$ and then $q^{n^2}$ minus this product gives the number of matrices with zero determinant.

But $\mathbb Z_4$ (if by this you mean the integers modulo $4$) is not a field, and so this calculation doesn't quite work. For example, $$\det \begin{bmatrix}2 & 0 \\ 0 & 2\end{bmatrix} \equiv 0 \pmod 4$$ even though the second column is not a multiple of the first.

Here is a general formula for $n\times n$ matrices over $\mathbb Z_4$.

Write the matrix as $A + 2B$, where $A,B$ have entries from $\{0,1\}$.

Suppose that mod $2$, $A$ has corank $r$ (rank $n-r$). Then we can choose $r$ independent (mod $2$) vectors $\mathbf x_1, \dots, \mathbf x_r$ such that $A\mathbf x_i \equiv \mathbf 0 \pmod 2$. Extend these to a set of $n$ vectors that are independent mod $2$, and let $X$ be the matrix whose columns are these $n$ vectors.

Because $X$ is invertible mod $2$, $X$ is invertible mod $4$, so $\det(A + 2B) = \det(X(A+2B)X^{-1}) = \det(XAX^{-1} + 2 XBX^{-1})$. If we find a decomposition of $XAX^{-1} + 2 XBX^{-1}$ into $A' + 2B'$, where $A', B'$ have entries from $\{0,1\}$, then the first $r$ rows of $A'$ are $0$ and the last $n-r$ rows are linearly independent.

It follows that if $r \ge 2$, then $\det(A + 2B)$ is definitely $0$: a row expansion by the first row of $A' + 2B'$ picks up a factor of $2$, and a row expansion by the second row of $A' + 2B'$ picks up another factor of $2$. What about when $r=1$?

When $r=1$, we can factor out a $2$ from the first row of $A' + 2B'$. This lets us rewrite $\det(A' + 2B')$ as $2 \cdot \det(A'' + 2B'')$ where:

  • the first row of $A''$ is the first row of $B'$, and other rows are taken from $A'$.
  • the first row of $B''$ is $0$, and other rows are taken from $B'$.

If $\det(A' + 2B') = 2$, then $\det(A'' + 2B'')$ is odd, which means $A''$ is invertible mod $2$. Given the last $n-1$ rows of $A''$ (which were fixed by $A'$), $2^{n-1}$ out of $2^n$ choices for the first row of $A''$ (which comes from $B'$) will make $A''$ invertible mod $2$. Therefore half of the possible choices for $B'$ (which come from half of the possible choices for $B$) give determinant $2$ here. So exactly half of the matrices with $r=1$ will have determinant $0$, and the other half will have determinant $2$.

Thus, if we want to count the matrices mod $4$ with determinant $0$, let $N_0, N_1, N_{\ge 2}$ (with $N_0 + N_1 + N_{\ge 2} = 2^{n^2}$) be the number of matrices over $\mathbb F_2$ with corank $0$, corank $1$, and corank $\ge 2$. Then the number we're interested in is $$ N_1 \cdot 2^{n^2-1} + N_{\ge 2} \cdot 2^{n^2}. $$ (When $A$ is counted by $N_{\ge 2}$, any matrix $B$ will make $\det(A+2B)=0$; when $A$ is counted by $N_1$, half of all possible matrices will do.) For example, when $n=2$, $N_1 = 9$ and $N_{\ge 2} = 1$, so there are $9 \cdot 2^3 + 1 \cdot 2^4 = 72 + 16 = 88$ matrices.

We have $N_0 = \prod_{k=0}^{n-1} (2^n - 2^k)$ by the formula for the first section. Counting $N_1$ is a bit harder, but we can do it: if we first choose a linearly dependent row on the $i^{\text{th}}$ step ($i=0, 1,\dots, n-1$), the number of ways is $2^i \prod_{k=0}^{n-2} (2^n - 2^k)$, so altogether $N_1 = (2^n - 1)\prod_{k=0}^{n-2} (2^n - 2^k)$. So the general formula for $n \times n$ matrices of $\mathbb Z_4$ is $$ 2^{n^2-1}(2^n - 1)\prod_{k=0}^{n-2} (2^n - 2^k) + 2^{n^2}\left(2^{n^2} - \prod_{k=0}^{n-1} (2^n - 2^k) - (2^n - 1)\prod_{k=0}^{n-2} (2^n - 2^k)\right). $$ Some algebra simplifies this to $$ 4^{n^2} - 2^{n^2-1} (2^{n+1}-1) \prod_{k=0}^{n-2} (2^n - 2^k). $$ The sequence begins $1, 88, 100864, 1735131136, \dots$.

For $\mathbb Z_{p^2}$ in general, similar reasoning should work.