Real Analysis – Number of Fixed Points of a Differentiable Function


For a differentiable function $f:\mathbb R\to\mathbb R$ I need to choose the correct statement(s):

  1. $f'(x)\le r<1~\forall~x\in\mathbb R\implies f$ has at least one fixed point.

  2. $f'(x)\le r<1~\forall~x\in\mathbb R\implies f$ has a unique fixed point.

My attempt:

  • $g:\mathbb R\to\mathbb R:x\mapsto f(x)-x$ is differentiable on $\mathbb R.$ The search is for the number of roots of $g.$ Now $f'(x)\le r<1~\forall~x\in\mathbb R\implies g'(x)\leq r-1<0~\forall~x\in\mathbb R\implies g$ is decreasing everywhere on $\mathbb R.$ Can I say something from this observation$?$

Best Answer

I can show that if it has fixed point than it has to be unique. Suppose you have two fixed points $x_1<x_2$. Than by MVT there is $\xi$ that $x_2-x_1=f(x_2)-f(x_1) = f'(\xi)(x_2 - x_1 )=r(x_2-x_1)$. So $r=1$ and that is contradiction.