[Math] Number of elements of order $p$ is a multiple of $p-1$ (finite group).


This is a question in Pinter's A Book of Abstract Algebra.

Let $S=\{g\in G\mid \operatorname{ord}(g)=p\}$. Prove the order of $S$ is a multiple of $p-1$.

In his solution Pinter says $a \in S$ implies that $a$ generates a subgroup with $p-1$ elements. Shouldn't there be $p$ elements $\{1,a^1,\dots,a^{p-1}\}$? Or is it typical to only count the non-trivial elements in a subgroup?

Best Answer

No, you are right, every element $a \in S$ generates a subgroup with $p$ elements. However, only $p-1$ of those will lie in the set $S$, which I guess is what Pinter means.

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