[Math] Number of divisors


How can I find number of divisors of N which are not divisible by K.

($2 \leq N$, $k \leq 10^{15})$

One of the most easiest approach which I have thought is to first calculate total number of divisors of 'n' using prime factorization (by Sieve of Eratosthenes) of n and then subtract from it the Number of divisors of the number 'n' that are also divisible by 'k'.

In order to calculate total number of divisors of number n that are also divisible by 'k'
I will have to find the total number of divisors of (n/k) which can be also done by its prime factorization.

My problem is that since n and k can be very large, doing prime factorization twice is very time consuming.

Please suggest me some another approach which requires me to do prime factorization once.

Best Answer

Your idea looks fine. But for integer factorization you can implement Pollard's rho algorithm or even faster Elliptic Curve Method.

You can test your algorithm at here and here.