[Math] Number of combinations w/o repetition that include a certain element


Given the number of combinations w/o repetition for a set of size n from which you choose k is given by:

n! / k! * (n – k)!

How does one calculate the number of these combinations that include a given element. That amount should be the same for all elements of the original set.

For example, given the set {A, B, C, D}, there are 6 different ways to pick 2 elements: AB, AC, AD, BC, BD, CD. However there are only 3 of these subsets with 'A' in it (AB, AC, AD). I am stumped on getting to this 3 beyond brute forcing it.

I assume I am missing some formula?

Best Answer

You must choose 1 element, then you can choose any k-1 elements from the remaining n-1. It's the same formula but with n and k replaced with n-1 and k-1 respectively.

(n-1)! / (k-1)! * ((n-1) - (k-1))!
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