[Math] Null Space of Differentiation Transformation

linear algebra

What is the null space of differentiation transformation:
$\frac{\mathrm{d} }{\mathrm{d} x}:P_{n} \to P_{n}$
where $P_{n}$ is the space of all polynomials of degree $\leqslant n $ over the real numbers
What is the null space of the second derivative as a transformation of $P_{n}$ ? What is the null space of the kth derivative?

I am slightly at a loss here, as I realise that they are looking differentiation as a transformation, but not a simple algebraic one as that(e.g reflection over x axis or something like that, which can easily formulated into a matrix format). Can anyone :

  1. Give me some hints on how to approach this problem, specifically, express the differentiation as a matrix?
  2. Point me to some text/textbook which can help me build such concepts in a better way.

Further Edit:
$P_{n}$ is as rightly pointed out is a vector space made of linear combination of the basis set {$1,x,x^{2},…,x^{n}$}. So I reckon the y=d/dx p(x) = AX where,

$p'(x)=0$ for the null space of the transformation operator.

So one trivial solution is when p(x)=c

Till now, this is what I could figure.

Best Answer

As a linear operator on $P_n$, differentiation can be expressed in matrix terms, but doing so is completely unnecessary and obscures what’s really going on; you’re better off thinking in terms of the definition of the null space of a linear transformation.

The null space of an operator $T:V\to W$ is simply the set $\{v\in V:T(v)=0_W\}$ of vectors in $V$ that get sent to the $0$ vector of $W$ by $T$. For what polynomials $p(x)\in P_n$ is it true that $$\frac{d}{dx}p(x)$$ is the zero vector of $P_n$? (For starters, what is the zero vector of $P_n$?) This has a very simple answer that requires no fiddling with matrices.

Once you’ve handled the first derivative, the rest should be easy. To find the null space of $\frac{d^3}{dx^3}$, for instance, just ask yourself which $p(x)\in P_n$ have the property that $$\frac{d^3}{dx^3}p(x)$$ is the zero vector of $P_n$.