[Math] Notation for modulo


Is there a established notation for the remainder of integer division?

For example, I want a function gives zero for non-negative even integers and one for non-negative odd integers. In computer code I would write:

i % 2

But if I want to do something similar in a paper, on Latex, how should I write it?
I want to use this as part of a larger expression. Something like:

$$\sum_i 2^{i\%2}$$

but I don't think that is the customary way?

Best Answer

I think the three most common notations are:

  • $x \bmod n$
  • $x \operatorname{rem} n$
  • $x \% n$

The first is an abuse of notation and somewhat misleading to people learning the subject, but it is common. The others, IMO, would be readily understood if you state once at the beginning of whatever you're writing what the notation means.

For your specific application you could also use the iverson bracket:

  • $ [i \text{ is odd} ]$

The Iverson bracket is basically the mathematical incarnation of the usual ways to coerce a boolean value to an integer: it gives $0$ when false and $1$ when true.

In the specific formula you write, a possibly more useful alternative is $$ 2^{[i \text{ odd} ]} = 1 + [i \text{ odd} ]$$ since this form is more amenable to doing series manipulations. In fact, the context of series manipulations is the first time I saw extensive use of the Iverson bracket.