[Math] Notation for a vector with constant equal components of arbitrary dimension


Is there a standard notation to specify vectors of the form $(c,c,\ldots,c)$, where $c$ is some constant?, e.g. suppose I have the vector $(c,c,c,c,c)$ which has 5 components. Is there a standard (short hand) way to write such a vector? I am dealing with such vectors of arbitrary size so would like a better way to specify them.

Best Answer

There is no standard notation for this, and the way to go is (in my opinion) to write it as $c \ \vec{\mathbf{1}}$ or $c \ \vec{\mathbf{1}}_n$ where $\vec{\mathbf{1}}$ is the all-one vector (and you explain this). [I do not think there is a real standard notation for the all-one vector even.]

There is also no common notation for the matrix with $c$ on the diagonal, but rather one denotes it as $c \ I_n$ or something like this.

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