[Math] Normal Approximation Binomial


The probability that an appliance is in repair is 0.5. If an apartment complex has 100 such appliances, what is the probability that at least 60 will be in repair? Use the normal approximation to the binomial.

I calculated n*p = 100*.5=mean
I calculated the standard deviation to be 100*.5 (1-.5) = 25 then the squareroot of 25 is 5 for the standard deviation

For the z score I did $Z = \frac{60 – 50}{5} = 2$. Probability associated with that z-score is .9772.

I'm not sure if I did the z score correctly for normal approximation? Also having difficulty in determining if .9772 is my answer or should I subract that from 1??

Best Answer

Use normal with mean $np$ and variance $np(1-p)$.

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