Functional Analysis – Understanding Norm of the Resolvent


Let $\mathbb{H}$ be a Hilbert space, $A$ a self-adjoint operator with domain $D_{A}$, $R_{A}$ the resolvent of $A$, and $z$ a point in the resolvent set $\rho(A)$. How could you prove the inequality
||R_{A}(z)|| \leq 1/ d(z,\sigma(A)),

where $\sigma(A)$ is the spectrum of $A$, and $d(z,\sigma(A))$ the distance of $z$ from $\sigma(A)$?
I found this inequality in Hislop & Sigal, Introduction to Spectral Theory, Sect 5.2, where they reference Reed and Simon, Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics, vol. I, but I could not find a proof in that book.
Thank you very much in advance.

PS I just note here that since for any closed operator
||R_{A}(z)|| \geq 1/ d(z,\sigma(A)),

(just note that all the point $w$ such that $|z-w| < ||R_{A}(z)||$ belong to $\rho(A)$), the above inequality must actually hold with equality.

Best Answer

For a bounded normal operator $N$, the norm and spectral radius of $N$ are the same. That is, $\|N\|=\sup_{\lambda\in\sigma(N)}|\lambda|$.

Let $\lambda \notin \sigma(A)$. Assume $A$ is unbounded. Then $(A-\lambda I)^{-1}$ is bounded and normal, with $$ \sigma((A-\lambda I)^{-1})=\frac{1}{\sigma(A)-\lambda}\cup\{0\}=\left\{ \frac{1}{\mu-\lambda} : \mu\in\sigma(A) \right\}\cup\{0\}. $$ Therefore, $$ \|(A-\lambda I)^{-1}\|=\sup_{\xi\in\sigma((A-\lambda I)^{-1})}|\xi| = \sup_{\mu\in\sigma(A)}\frac{1}{|\mu-\lambda|} = \frac{1}{\mbox{dist}(\lambda,\sigma(A))}. $$

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