[Math] Norm of the gradient of a vector field in Cartesian versus Cylindrical coordinates


It is well known that for a vector $\textbf{v}=R\textbf{e}_r+\Theta\textbf{e}_{\theta}+Z\textbf{e}_z$, its 2-norm is $\|\textbf{v}\|_2=\sqrt{R^2+Z^2}$ instead of $\sqrt{R^2+\Theta^2+Z^2}$.

Now, for a 2-tensor, let's take the gradient of a vector field $\textbf{u}=(u_1,u_2,u_3)=(u_r,u_{\theta},u_z)$ as an example:

Under Cartesian coordinates, $\nabla \textbf{u}$ is $$\nabla \textbf{u}=\begin{bmatrix}
\partial_{x}u_1 && \partial_{y}u_1 && \partial_{z}u_1 \\
\partial_{x}u_2 && \partial_{y}u_2 && \partial_{z}u_2 \\
\partial_{x}u_3 && \partial_{y}u_3 && \partial_{z}u_3
whose 2-norm (entry-wise Frobenius norm) is simply the square-root of the sum of squares of its entries.

However, under cylindrical coordinates, we have
$$\nabla \textbf{u}=\begin{bmatrix}
\partial_{r}u_r && \frac{1}{r}(\partial_{\theta}u_r-u_{\theta}) && \partial_{z}u_r \\
\partial_{r}u_{\theta} && \frac{1}{r}(\partial_{\theta}u_{\theta}+u_{r}) && \partial_{z}u_{\theta} \\
\partial_{r}u_z && \frac{1}{r}\partial_{\theta}u_z && \partial_{z}u_z
My question is, is the 2-norm (the norm equivalent to the 2-norm under Cartesian coordinates) of it still the square-root of the sum of squares of its entries in the case of cylindrical coordinates? I feel that this is not the case just like the analoge of the 2-norm of a 1D tensor $\textbf{v}$ shown above.

Best Answer

You need to be careful about the distinction between points and vectors. While a point is described by cylindrical coordinates $(r,\theta,z)$ and has distance $\sqrt{r^2 + z^2}$ from the origin, a vector $v$ based at a point is described by Cartesian coordinates locally aligned to the cylindrical coordinates - i.e. $v = v^r e_r + v^\theta e_\theta + v^z e_z$, where the basis $e_r,e_\theta,e_z$ depends on the base point - it's the orthonormal basis at the point aligned to the corresponding coordinate lines.

Here's a decent picture from this Wikipedia page:

enter image description here

Thus the squared norm of such a vector is indeed defined by the sum of squares of its components.

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