[Math] Nonzero rationals under multiplication are not a cyclic group


Are nonzero rationals under multiplication cyclic?

Here's my thinking:

They are not. The generator must be a rational $q = a/b$, $a$, $b$ integers with no common factors. Assume $a/b$ generates $\mathbb Q\setminus \{0\}$, then $q^n = a^n/b^n$ or $(1/q)^n = b^n/a^n$. This is impossible since we can find a prime (there're infinitely many of them) that doesn't divide either $a$ or $b$, which have a finite number of prime factors. Not sure if it proves it though.

Best Answer

Your proof looks fine to me.

An alternative is this. If $\Bbb Q^\times$ were cyclic, it would be infinite cyclic, so $\simeq \Bbb Z$. But $-1$ has order two in $\Bbb Q^\times$; and there is no element of order two in $\Bbb Z$: every element has infinite order, except for $0$.