[Math] nonstandard model of Peano’s arithmetic where any element has only finitely many prime divisors


By the compactness theorem, there are nonstandard models where don't have finite prime decomposition, and some elements are divisible by infinitely many distinct primes. But what if we want a nice nonstandard model where any element is divisible by only finitely distinct primes, is it possible? It seems hard to construct one, if it is possible. I don't know how to construct models of Peano's arithmetic where I don't want something to happen.

Of course, we cannot ask for finite prime decomposition, because in any nonstandard model there are nonstandard elements whose only prime divisor is $2$, and hence they are divisible by $2^n$ for any $n \in \mathbb{N}$.

If such a model exists, can we have one of any infinite cardinality?

Best Answer

There is no such model. The following is a theorem of Peano arithmetic:

For every number $n$, there is some number $n'$ that is divisible by all $k < n$.

Consider a non-standard model $\langle \mathfrak{M}, +, \cdot, 0, S\rangle$ of Peano arithmetic. Since $\mathfrak{M}$ is non-standard, it has some non-standard element $K$ so that $0 < K, 1 < K, 2 < K, \dots$ and so on, for each standard natural.

By the theorem of Peano arithmetic quoted above, there is another number $K'$ that is divisible by all $k < K$. In particular, $K'$ is divisible by $2$, divisible by $3$, divisible by $5$, and so on for all the standard primes.

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