[Math] Non-principal ultrafilters and Ultrafilter Lemma


$\textbf{Definition}$ A family $\mathscr{F}$ of subsets of $I$ has the finite intersection property if for each $S_1, \ldots,S_n\in\mathscr{F}$ it holds that $S_1\cap\ldots\cap S_n\neq\varnothing$.

$\textbf{Ultrafilter Lemma}$ If a family $\mathscr{F}$ has the finite intersection property, then there is an ultrafilter $\mathcal{U}\supset\mathscr{F}$.

Thus there exist non principal ultrafilters……

I can't understand how one can deduce the existence of non-principal ultrafilters from the ultrafilter lemma.

Best Answer

HINT: Consider the co-finite subsets of $I$.