[Math] Non-orthonormal basis vectors impossible

linear algebra

When we speak of vectors in their component representation:

$x = \{ \xi_1, \xi_2, …, \xi_n \}$

with respect to some basis $\{ e_1, e_2, …, e_n \}$,

this means the linear combination

$\xi_1 e_1 + \xi_2 e_2 + … + \xi_n e_n$.

But, this implies that if we let $y = \{ 1, 0, …, 0 \}$, then $y = e_1$

$e_1$ must have component representation $\{1, 0, …, 0 \}$, $e_2$ has $\{0, 1, 0, …, 0 \}$, and so forth.

Given this, what sense is there to speak of an orthonormal vs an "arbitrary" basis? Isn't the axis aligned orthonormal basis the only basis possible?

Best Answer

The coordinates may be orthonormal but the basis vectors do not have to be orthonormal.

Let $v_1=(1,3)$ and $v_2= (3,2)$ then the coordinates of $v_1$ with respect to the basis $\{ v_1, v_2 \}$ is $(1,0)$.

Also the coordinates of $v_2$ with respect to the basis $\{ v_1, v_2 \}$ is $(0,1)$

The coordinates are orthonormal but the vectors are not.

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