[Math] Non isomorphic graphs – how to draw

graph theory

I have been asked to draw all the non-isomorphic connected simple graphs, each with a degree sequence (2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4) I understand a non isomorphic graph is a graph where the relabelling of the vertices wont give the same graph. But I am lost to where to even start, or the best way to go about it.



Sent it last night, but would these be classed as non isomorphic?

Best Answer

One way you can approach this problem is noting that the vertices with degree 2 can be "reduced" to an edge without changing degrees. So we want to find all non-isomorphic connected simple graphs with degrees (3,3,3,3,4,4) first. Consider the complement of this graph; you get (1,1,2,2,2,2) as the degrees. There are only a few ways in which this can happen: you can have a lone edge and a 4-cycle, a 3-path and a 3-cycle, or a 6-path. (I believe these are the only cases)

Next, convert these back into graphs and the question is reduced to finding edges (which could be the same edge, giving a 3-long "edge") to "lengthen" by inserting a vertex in the middle.