Linear Algebra – Non-degenerate Bilinear Forms and Invertible Matrices

bilinear-formlinear algebra

I have the following question:

Show that a symmetric bilinear form is nondegenerate if and only if its matrix in a basis is invertible

Ok so both directions "if non-degenerate then the matrix is invertible" and "if matrix is invertible then the form is nondegenerate" have to be proven for this.

For the first direction. If the bilinear form is non-degenerate its null space is $\left\{0\right\}$, so for every $v \neq 0$ there exists a $v'$ such that $\langle v, v' \rangle \neq 0$ and so there are no zero eigenvalues, I'm pretty sure this somehow implies the determinant of the matrix is also non-zero, as it is the product of the eigenvalues and hence invertible (but not sure how to show this).

For the other direction, if the matrix is invertible, then the determinant is non-zero and, if my previous assumption is correct, this implies there are no zero eigenvectors, which implies the null space is $\left\{0\right\}$ and hence non-degenerate?

Thanks for any guidance, the notes I have on this topic are pretty poor so I'm having a hard time fully understanding everything. Thanks again.

Best Answer

Let me assume that you have a bilinear form $q : V \times V \to F$, where $V$ is a finite-dimensional vector space over the field $F$. Fix a basis $\beta = \{e_1,\dotsc,e_n\}$ of $V$, which defines the corresponding dual basis $\beta^\ast = \{e_1^\ast,\dotsc,e_n^\ast\}$ of $V^\ast$.

First, check that $q$ defines a linear transformation $Q : V \to V^\ast$ by $Q(v) := q(v,\cdot)$ satisfying $\ker Q = \ker q$. Now, since for any $\phi \in V^\ast$, $\phi = \sum_k \phi(e_k) e_k^\ast$, $$ Q(e_k) = \sum_j Q(e_k)(e_j) e_j^\ast = \sum_j q(e_k,e_j) e_j^\ast = \sum_j q(e_j,e_k)e_j^\ast $$ for each $k$, and hence the matrix $[Q]_{\beta^\ast\beta}$ of $Q$ with respect to the bases $\beta$ and $\beta^\ast$ is precisely the matrix $[q]_\beta$ of $q$ with respect to $\beta$. As a result, your matrix of interest $[q]_\beta$ is invertible if and only if the linear transformation $Q$ is invertible.

So, let's collect what we know:

  1. $[q]_\beta = [Q]_{\beta^\ast\beta}$, so that $[q]_\beta$ is invertible if and only if $Q$ is invertible.
  2. $\ker q = \ker Q$, so that $q$ is non-degenerate if and only if $Q$ is injective.
  3. $\dim V = \dim V^\ast$, so that by the rank-nullity theorem, $Q : V \to V^\ast$ is injective if and only if it is surjective.

What can you therefore conclude?

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