[Math] non-constant entire function $f$ such that $f(n+\dfrac{1}{n})=0\forall n\in \Bbb N$


Does there exist a non-constant entire function $f : \mathbb{C}\to\mathbb{C}$ such that $f(n+\dfrac{1}{n})=0$ for all $n\in \Bbb N$?

Let $f$ be a non-constant entire function such that $f(n+\dfrac{1}{n})=0\forall n\in \Bbb N$.

Then $f(2)=0;f(3+\frac{1}{3})=0$ and so on.But the problem is the set of zeros of $f$ does not have a limit point.

How can I conclude whether such a function exists or not?Please help

Best Answer

There exists such a function. An infinite product such as

$$f(z) = \prod_{n =1}^\infty \left(1-\frac{z^2}{(n+1/n)^2}\right)$$

determines a nonconstant entire function of $z$ with zeroes at $z= \pm (n+1/n)$.

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