[Math] Non-$C^{*}$ Banach algebras


It suddenly occurred to me almost every Banach algebra I know is actually a $C^{*}$ algebra. Several kinds of function algebras are definitely $C^{*}$ algebras. So is the matrix algebra. Although one gets a non-$C^*$ algebra by focusing on the upper triangular matrices, the norm still satisfies the $C^*$ identity.

The algebra of operators on a general banach space is not $C^*$, but at least for me this is a too abstract class that do not provide much intuition.

Thus I wonder whether someone has some good examples of banach algebras that fail the $C^*$ identity but are on the other hand elementary enough to provide intuition and direct computation, like the function algebras.


Best Answer

Adding the assumption that you're asking about Banach $*$-algebras with isometric involution, your question Why is $\ell^1(\mathbb{Z})$ not a $C^{*}$-algebra? has the example $\ell^1(\mathbb Z)$.

Another is the algebra of bounded analytic functions on the unit disk with sup norm and involution $f^{*}(z)=\overline{f(\overline z)}$.

You mention matrices, and implicitly you seem to be assuming that $M_n$ is given the operator norm from acting as operators on $\mathbb C^n$ with the standard inner product, or equivalently $\|a\|=\sqrt{\text{the spectral radius of }a^*a}$, where $a^*$ is the conjugate transpose of $a$. But if you give $M_n$ another submultiplicative norm that makes the conjugate transpose norm-preserving, then you will not have a $C^*$-algebra. One example is the Frobenius norm, a.k.a. the Hilbert–Schmidt norm, $\|a\|=\sqrt{\mathrm{Trace}(a^*a)}$.

You say that the upper-triangular matrices satisfy the $C^*$-identity, but it is not clear what that means when they don't have an involution. If you are asking about $*$-algebras, then subalgebras of $*$-algebras that are not closed under the involution are out of the picture.

The first example above, $\ell^1(\mathbb Z)$, fits into a bigger picture of considering the Banach $*$-algebra $L^1(G)$ of a locally compact Hausdorff group $G$ with Haar measure, which sometimes arises in the study of group representations.

One thing that makes $\ell^1(\mathbb Z)$ more interesting than $M_n$ with the Frobenius norm as an example is that $\ell^1(\mathbb Z)$ is not even isomorphic as an algebra to any $C^*$-algebra.

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