[Math] Nilpotent Matrix is Similar to a block diagonal matrix

jordan-normal-formlinear algebramatricesnilpotence

Prove that any nilpotent matrix is similar to a block diagonal matrix whose blocks are matrices with 1's along the first super diagonal and 0's elsewhere.

I'm not sure where to start exactly. Any guidance would be helpful!

Best Answer

My answer is based on Wikipedia articles "Nilpotent matrix" and "Jordan normal form."

Every square matrix A over an algebraically-closed field has a Jordan canonical form J, which has zeros everywhere except A's eigenvalues as diagonal entries and possibly ones on the super diagonal. A is similar to J because there exists an invertible matrix P such that A = P J P ⁻¹. Because zero is the only eigenvalue of a nilpotent matrix, J has the form you want.

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