[Math] nice representation for KKT conditions for matrix constraints

convex optimizationkarush kuhn tuckerlinear algebraoptimization

I have a convex programming problem:
$\min \left\lVert J – R \right\rVert _F$
$J,R$ are matrices. $J$ is given for the problem.

One of the constraints is:
$R = KQ$

Here, $R,K,Q$ are matrices. $K$ is given. $Q$ is a variable along with $R$.

I understand that the above constraint is basically a bunch of scalar constraints in matrix form.

In the lagrangian, the gradient of each of the matrix element will be a matrix itself. So it becomes a matrix of matrix in the lagrangian.

Is there a nice way to express the KKT conditions of this problem? Wikipedia doesn't give any matrix-by-matrix differentiating expressions.

Best Answer

Since $R=KQ$, you can focus on solving for $Q$. So your problem looks like \begin{align} \min_{Q}||J-KQ||_F^2 \end{align} (squaring of the objective won't change the solution, convince yourself). Now, we have $$vec(J-KQ)=vec(J)-(I\otimes K)vec(Q)$$ where $vec(.)$ operator stacks up the columns of argument matrix and $\otimes$ is the kronecker product. Again $$||J-KQ||_F^2=||Ax-b||_2^2$$ where I define $A=I\otimes K$ and $b=vec(J)$ and $x=vec(Q)$. Thus \begin{align} \min_{Q}||J-KQ||_F^2 \,\,\,\,\,\equiv\,\,\,\,\,\min_{x}||Ax-b||_2^2 \end{align} Now try solving the last problem which is related to the solution of a linear system of equations and least squares.


Expand $||Ax-b||_2^2=(Ax-b)^T(Ax-b)$. Now try to derive the KKT conditions using vector differentiation. A good place to start would be the wiki article. If KKT conditions was your only requirement, you could have done that earlier itself. Note that $$||J-KQ||_F^2=\mbox{trace}\left\{(J-KQ)^T(J-KQ)\right\}$$. Expand the multiplication insider the trace and then use the rules of matrix differentiation. Go through the same wiki article on how to do that. I seriously urge you put some effort into this. It will be really helpful.

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