General Topology – Intersection of Nested Sequence of Non-Empty Compact Subsets


I have the following proposition:

"If $(S_n)$ is a sequence of compact subsets of a metric space such that

$S_1 \supseteq S_2 \supseteq … \supseteq S_n$

Then $\bigcap^\infty_{i=1} S_i$ $\neq$ $\emptyset$"

My lecture notes provide the following proof, whose last step I don't understand:

Proof: Assume by way of contradiction that $\bigcap^\infty_{i=1} S_i$ = $\emptyset$. Let $V_n := (S_n)^c$ for each $n$. The class $\mathbb{C} :=\{V_n: n \in \mathbb{N} \}$ is an open covering of $S_1$. Since $S_1$ is compact, $\exists I$ finite, $I \subset \mathbb{N}$, s.t $\{V_i: i \in I \}$ covers $S_1$. Let $n:=max(I)$. The class $\{V_1, …, V_n \}$ also covers $S_1$ and we get the following contradiction

$\emptyset = \bigcap^n_{i=1} S_i = S_n$

So, I don't get the part from "Let $n:=max(I)$…" onwards, especially the contradiction. I have tried applying DeMorgan's Law and the only way the last equalities makes sense is if the union of $\{V_1, …, V_n \}$ equals the whole metric space, a property I haven't been able to understand from the steps of the proof. This is a corollary to the finite intersection property, so it must have a connection but again I can't quite get it.

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

Suppose $x \in S_1$. As we assumed at the start that $\bigcap_{n=1}^\infty S_n =\emptyset$, $x$ cannot be a member of all $S_n$ so some $n_0$ exists such that $x \notin S_{n_0}$, or equivalently $x \in V_{n_0}$. So the $V_n$ cover $S_1$.

Note that as the $S_n$ are decreasing, so the $V_n$ are increasing, so when we have a finite subcover, the one with the largest index (which exists by finiteness) is a superset of all of them, so we have a subcover consisting of one set, say $V_k$. But this cannot be, as any point of $S_k$ (which exists, as these sets are non-empty) is by definition not covered by $V_k$. This contradiction shows that the original assumption of $\bigcap_{n=1}^\infty S_n = \emptyset$ was false.