[Math] Need help understanding logic behind limit proof based on epsilon-delta limit definition


I just started Calculus and am making my way through limits. They make sense to me and the $\epsilon$-$\delta$ Definition of a Limit is also clear (I think).

However, I'm having trouble groking this example:

Example 8 from section 1.2, textbook is Calculus v10e by Ron Larson and Bruce Edwards

I get that I want to get the left side of the $\epsilon$ inequality in the format of the $\delta$ inequality.

So I have:

0 < |x-2| < \delta

and I have:

\\ |x^2 – 4| < \epsilon
\\ |x-2||x+2| < \epsilon

Now we have to do something about the $|x+2|$ term on the left side. This is where I'm having trouble following along.

"For all x in the interval $(1,3)$, $x + 2 < 5$ and thus $|x + 2| < 5$." I understand what they're saying, but where does the $(1,3)$ interval come from? I see that it's $c\pm1$, but that seems arbitrary. Based on this arbitrary interval we get the inequality $|x + 2| < 5$. If I had picked an interval for $c\pm2$ of $(0,4)$ than I'd get an inequality of $|x+2| < 6$. It looks like based on this interval, they continued the problem like this:

\\|x+2| < 5
\\|x-2|<\frac{\epsilon}{5} = \delta \therefore
\\|x-2||x+2|<(\frac{\epsilon}{5})(5) = \epsilon

But if I had used a different interval, say $(0,4)$, then I'd be using $6$ everywhere instead of $5$, right?

"So, letting $\delta$ be the minimum of $\epsilon / 5$ and $1$": I don't get what they're saying here at all.

Can $\delta$ ultimately be put into terms of $\epsilon$ via a single function, or do are we choosing a function just so that it satisfies the limit definition?

What am I missing?

Thanks for any help.

Best Answer

You're right; the choice of making the radius $1$ to get an open interval of $(1,3)$ was indeed arbitrary. As you pointed out, we could have picked a radius of $2$ instead and then changed $5$ to $6$ instead.

By letting $\delta = \min\{\epsilon/5, 1\}$, we gain two pieces of information. Namely, if $|x - 2| < \delta$, then we know that $|x - 2| < \delta \leq \epsilon/5$ and $|x - 2| < \delta \leq 1$. The last inequality implies that $x \in (1,3)$ so that $|x + 2| < 5$, which was important for bounding our absolute value term. This strategy of defining $\delta$ as the minimum of two terms is a powerful technique that allows us to gain extra facts in our proof.