[Math] Need help solving complicated integral $\int e^{-x}\cos4x\cos2x\,\mathrm dx$


I need some help solving this integral, seems nasty to me!

\int e^{-x}\cos4x\cos2x\,\mathrm dx

I tried integration by parts, but that seemed to me of no use.

There's also a similar one, maybe it might help solving this one or vice versa.

\int x\sin x\sin 2x\sin 3x\,\mathrm dx

Again, please try to give just hints…! (As I always ask :D)

Best Answer

Use the fact that

$$2 \cos{a x} \cos{b x} = \cos{(a-b) x} + \cos{(a+b) x}$$


$$\int dx\: e^{p x} \cos{q x} = \frac{p \cos{q x} + q \sin{q x}}{p^2+q^2} e^{p x} + C$$

where $C$ is a constant of integration.

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